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Meet Reader Extraordinaire: Georgiana Braham

It's Avid Readers' Appreciation Week. Today, Wednesday, 11/11/2020, join Tera Kirksey as she moderates the celebration for our avid readers. This event will be filled with wonderful prizes, surprises, and giveaways.Join the celebration on Facebook here: Ann Marie Bryan's Readers' Cafe.

Meet our Honoree

Today, we are honoring reader extraordinaire, Georgiana Braham. Georgiana loves to read romance, in particular Christian Fiction romance, because she considers herself a hopeless romantic. She enjoys Christian Fiction, too, because of the clean, relatable, and inspiring storylines.

Check out my interview with Georgiana.

We know you love to read but what else do you do for fun?

Cooking and listening to music.

What is your favorite place to read?

Under a tree close to a body of water or in a room surrounded by books, candles and instrumental music.

What is your favorite Scripture and why?

Psalm 24. I enjoy that Scripture because it's a reminder to always open my heart to the Lord.

What is your favorite part of a story?

I love when everything starts coming together to get to the outcome.

How do you decide whether or not to buy a book?

The author, recommendation, and book covers.

How important are book covers and back cover description in your purchasing decision?

Not that important.

Do you like book teasers? Why or why not?

No, I'm not a fan of teasers. Sometimes, it give away too much.

Do you write book reviews? Why or why not?

Yes, I write reviews because it's a good way to recommend books to others and help authors sell books and gain more readers.

How can authors attract new readers?

Promote, interact with readers on social media, and attend book events.

What would you like to see in authors’ newsletters?

Upcoming book information, author recommendations, games/puzzles, and current events from the authors community.

Ann Marie Bryan CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design Author, Encounters of the Heart series

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